Laser Root Canal Treatment


Laser root canal treatment, also known as laser-assisted endodontic therapy, is an advanced dental procedure that uses laser technology to clean and disinfect the root canal system. Traditional root canal treatment involves using files and irrigating solutions to remove infected or damaged tissue from the tooth’s root canal, but lasers can provide an alternative method.

During laser root canal treatment, a dental professional uses a dental laser to access the root canal system and remove the infected or inflamed tissue. The laser emits a concentrated beam of light energy that can target and remove bacteria, debris, and infected tissue while sterilizing the area. The laser’s energy also helps to seal the root canal, preventing future infections.

Benefits of laser root canal treatment may include:

  1. Enhanced disinfection: The laser’s energy can effectively kill bacteria and sterilize the root canal, reducing the risk of reinfection.
  2. Enhanced disinfection: The laser’s energy can effectively kill bacteria and sterilize the root canal, reducing the risk of reinfection
  3. Faster treatment: Laser root canal treatment can be completed more quickly compared to traditional methods, potentially reducing the overall treatment time
  4. Reduced pain and discomfort: Lasers can help seal nerve endings and cauterize blood vessels, which may result in less post-operative pain and discomfort.
  5. Improved healing: Laser therapy may promote better healing by stimulating cell regeneration and reducing inflammation.

Emergency Cases

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Opening Hours

Monday to Sunday- 10 am to 9 pm
During holidays hours might differ